Post-outage QA and automation improvements: What’s next?

Enhance QA and test automation processes post-outage for improved system resilience. Learn actionable improvements, AI integration, and continuous testing strategies for future-proofing your IT infrastructure.

The recent IT outage has highlighted critical areas for improvement in QA and test automation processes. To mitigate similar risks in the future and enhance system resilience, organizations need to focus on actionable improvements and future-proofing their QA and automation strategies. This article outlines key steps for refining QA practices and automation processes in the wake of an outage and provides strategies for adapting to new insights to handle future challenges effectively.

Actionable improvements: Enhancing QA and test automation

Conduct a post-outage review

  • Root cause analysis: Perform a thorough analysis of the outage to identify the specific failures in QA and test automation that contributed to the issue. Focus on understanding what was missed or inadequately tested.

  • Stakeholder feedback: Gather input from all stakeholders, including developers, QA engineers, and incident response teams, to understand the full impact and identify gaps in current practices.

Strengthen test coverage

  • Expand test scenarios: Update test cases to cover a broader range of scenarios, including edge cases and high-stress conditions that closely simulate real-world usage and potential failure points. TechTarget stated that “extended software testing” is part of the mitigation strategy for organizations that want to be proactive and prevent future IT outages. 

  • Incorporate realistic data: Use production-like data in tests to better mimic actual conditions and improve the accuracy of test results.

Improve automation frameworks

  • Enhance test automation scripts: Review and refine automation scripts to ensure they cover critical paths and system interactions. Focus on areas that were prone to failure during the outage.

  • Adopt advanced tools: Consider adopting advanced automation tools that offer better integration with monitoring and real-time analytics.

Implement Continuous Testing

  • Integrate continuous testing: Embed continuous testing practices into the CI/CD pipeline as well as on cadence to ensure that every change is tested automatically and continuously. This helps in early detection of potential issues.

  • Monitor test results: Regularly review test results to quickly identify and address new issues that arise.

Update incident response and recovery plans

  • Integrate QA insights: Update incident response plans to incorporate insights from QA testing. Ensure that testing processes align with incident management protocols for faster resolution.

  • Regular drills: Conduct regular incident response drills that include scenarios derived from recent outages to test and refine response strategies.

Future-proofing QA and test automation

Embrace a shift-left approach

  • Early testing: Move testing activities earlier in the development lifecycle to catch issues before they reach production. Encourage collaboration between QA and development teams from the outset.

  • Continuous feedback loop: Establish a feedback loop where testing insights are used to refine development processes and vice versa.

Leverage AI and machine learning

  • AI-powered testing: Integrate AI and machine learning into testing processes to predict potential issues, optimize test coverage, and improve test accuracy. AI can also assist in identifying patterns that human testers might overlook.

    According to Active Batch, Gartner predicts that by the end of the current year, 40% of teams responsible for developing and maintaining software products and platforms will incorporate AIOps into their DevOps pipelines. They will specifically use AIOps for automatically analyzing the risks of software changes before deployment. This automation is expected to reduce unplanned downtime—periods when the system is unexpectedly unavailable—by 20%.

  • Automated anomaly detection: Utilize AI for real-time anomaly detection to catch issues before they escalate into outages.

Adopt robust monitoring and alerting systems

  • Real-time monitoring: Implement comprehensive monitoring systems that provide real-time insights into system performance and potential issues. Ensure these systems are integrated with automated testing tools.

  • Smart alerts: Configure alerting systems to notify relevant teams of potential issues based on automated testing results and real-time data.

Foster a culture of relentless continuous improvement

  • Regular Reviews and Updates: Regularly review and update QA and test automation processes based on new learnings and industry best practices. Foster a culture of continuous improvement and innovation.

  • Training and development: Invest in ongoing training for QA and automation teams to keep them up-to-date with the latest tools, techniques, and methodologies.

Enhance collaboration across teams

  • Cross-functional teams: Promote collaboration between QA, development, operations, and security teams to ensure a unified approach to testing and incident management.

  • Integrated workflows: Develop integrated workflows that streamline communication and coordination between teams involved in QA, automation, and incident response.


In the aftermath of an IT outage, enhancing QA and test automation processes is crucial for preventing future incidents and improving overall system reliability. By implementing actionable improvements and future-proofing strategies, organizations can better handle similar challenges and ensure a more resilient IT infrastructure. Embracing a proactive approach to testing and continuous improvement will position organizations to adapt to evolving technologies and emerging risks effectively.


Cush, J. (2024, August 7). Causes of IT outages explained. TechTarget. Retrieved August 13, 2024, from:

McHugh, B. (2024, May 1). 2024: Gartner’s IT Automation Trends Revisited. Active Batch. Retrieved August 13, 2024, from: