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20 Essential trends and insights about digital accessibility testing in 2024

Written by Shftrs | Jul 3, 2024 7:53:29 AM

Digital accessibility is more important than ever, making sure that everyone, regardless of their abilities, can use digital products effectively. Here are the key trends and insights about digital accessibility testing in 2024.

Benefits of digital accessibility testing

1. Studies show that accessible websites see a 20% increase in traffic and user engagement according to Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI). Ensuring your digital content is accessible improves the user experience for everyone. 

By prioritizing accessibility, organizations can enhance usability, inclusivity, and overall satisfaction across their digital platforms, thereby fostering greater engagement and loyalty among diverse user demographics.

2. Failure to comply with accessibility laws such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) can result in legal penalties, including lawsuits and fines.

According to Seyfarth Shaw LLP's ADA Title III News & Insights, the number of ADA Title III lawsuits related to digital accessibility continues to rise, highlighting the importance of proactive accessibility measures to mitigate legal risks.

3. Making digital content accessible opens your product to a wider audience, including the 15% of the global population living with disabilities, reported by the World Health Organization (WHO).

This demographic represents a substantial market segment often overlooked in traditional digital strategies.

4. Search engines favor accessible websites, which can lead to better search engine rankings and increased visibility.

Search engines like Google prioritize user experience, and accessibility plays a crucial role in enhancing usability for all visitors, including those with disabilities.

5. Research from Forrester Consulting shows that 86% of companies report an improvement in customer satisfaction after implementing accessibility initiatives.

Investing in accessibility can lead to significant economic benefits, including increased market reach, higher customer satisfaction, and reduced legal risks.

6. A study by the Mobile Marketing Association revealed that mobile apps with comprehensive accessibility features experience up to 30% higher user engagement rates compared to those without such features

Implementing accessibility features not only improves usability for all users but also enhances user satisfaction and retention, ultimately contributing to a more successful mobile app strategy.

Global trends in digital accessibility testing

7. Globally, more organizations are prioritizing digital accessibility, with a 35% increase in accessibility testing efforts reported over the past year.

This upward trend signifies a proactive approach to ensuring that digital content and services are accessible to all users.

8. AI-driven tools are making accessibility testing more efficient, detecting issues that might be missed by manual testing.

These tools leverage machine learning algorithms to automate and streamline the detection of accessibility issues that may go unnoticed during manual testing processes.

9. Governments worldwide are introducing stricter regulations to ensure digital accessibility, pushing organizations to adopt better practices.

In the EU, new regulations prompted a surge in accessibility compliance, with companies updating their digital products to meet the standards.

10. Microsoft reported a positive return on investment (ROI) from accessibility initiatives, including improved product usability and market competitiveness.

By investing in accessibility, Microsoft not only enhances product usability but also strengthens its market competitiveness.

11. Research by the Accessible Technology Coalition indicates that businesses that continuously update and test for accessibility tend to have higher customer retention rates.

Regular accessibility improvements demonstrate commitment to inclusivity, which enhances brand reputation and customer loyalty over time.

12. Digital accessibility now extends to mobile apps, software applications, and digital documents, ensuring all digital content is usable by everyone.

This holistic approach not only benefits users with disabilities but also enhances usability for all users, contributing to a more inclusive and user-friendly digital environment overall.

13. Involving users with disabilities in the testing process provides valuable insights and ensures that real-world accessibility needs are met.

A retail website conducted usability tests with visually impaired users, leading to significant improvements in their site’s accessibility.

14. According to research by IBM, addressing accessibility issues during the design phase of a project can be up to 100 times more cost-effective than addressing them post-launch.

An e-learning platform integrated accessibility checks into their CI/CD pipeline, leading to a smoother development process and fewer post-release issues.

15. Providing accessibility training for development and design teams ensures that accessibility considerations are included from the start of the project.

A tech startup provided accessibility training for their team, resulting in more accessible products and positive user feedback.

16. Automated accessibility testing tools can quickly identify common issues, making it easier for teams to address them efficiently.

A news website used automated tools to check for accessibility issues, improving their site's usability for all readers.

17. Inclusive design principles ensure that products are designed with all users in mind from the beginning, reducing the need for extensive retrofitting later.

A government portal adopted inclusive design principles, leading to a more user-friendly site for all citizens.

18. According to a study by Accenture, companies that prioritize accessibility can potentially reach a broader market segment, including individuals with disabilities, their families, and caregivers.

This demographic represents a significant global market opportunity estimated at over $8 trillion. 

19. Tracking accessibility metrics and KPIs helps organizations measure their progress and identify areas for improvement.

An online retailer tracked accessibility metrics and saw a 15% improvement in site usability over six months.

20. Engaging with the accessibility community and advocacy groups provides support, resources, and feedback to help improve digital accessibility efforts.

A non-profit organization collaborated with advocacy groups to enhance the accessibility of their online resources, resulting in positive community feedback.

Commonly asked questions about digital accessibility testing

Why is digital accessibility important?

Digital accessibility ensures that all users, including those with disabilities, can access and use your digital content, leading to a better user experience and broader audience reach.

What are some key accessibility guidelines to follow?

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are the gold standard for digital accessibility, outlining how to make web content more accessible to people with disabilities.

How can I start with digital accessibility testing?

Begin by conducting an accessibility audit of your digital products, then implement necessary changes. Use automated tools and involve users with disabilities in the testing process to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Can SHFTRS help us with digital accessibility testing?

Absolutely! SHFTRS specializes in accessibility testing, offering tools and expertise to help you ensure your digital products are accessible to everyone. We provide tailored solutions to meet your specific needs and help you achieve compliance with accessibility standards.

Contact us today to learn how we can help you enhance your digital accessibility and reach a wider audience.